15 Weeks

I am definitely getting bigger, and (I hope) looking actually pregnant, not just chubby. What do you think?

Since Janey was hanging out with me while I was taking the pictures, she demanded I take one of her as well…

and she actually smiled for it! Progress.

Picture Heavy Update

So the new header picture is a pretty accurate description of what’s been going on around here–a bit of a mess, crazy kids (wearing whatever they choose, of course!), and a generally good time. While I don’t totally feel like writing a full on post about what we’ve been doing, I will give you [...]

The ABC’s of Me

I feel like I’ve already done this one, but I’m too lazy to look and find it, and I was tagged, so here goes:

The ABC Info about me!
A – Age: 25 for about another monthB – Bed size: QueenC – Chore you hate: Putting away stacks of papersD – Dog: No thanksE – Essential start [...]

I haven’t totally been slacking over here…

I’ve just been busy working on something else.

Sorry about the lame video, blogger won’t just let me upload the audio, which was the whole point… and in case you’ve never heard such audio before, let me explain.

That is the heartbeat of our next child. We are so excited to announce that I [...]

5 Years

Five years ago today, I made the best decision I’ve made in my entire life. I married my best friend.

Sometimes I Think We’re Crazy

Other times, I know we are. Meet the newest member of our happy little family:


(For those of you who are wondering about our sanity, let me just say a few minor words–we knew that eventually we’d need a car that fit at least 3 carseats, or 2 carseats and a booster–this will do that. [...]

What We’ve Been Up To

Well, this is nothing exciting, but I just wanted to let you know that we’re still alive over here.  We’ve been keeping busy with all kinds of things.  My biggest adventures have been getting my garden in, and trying to get it growing (I just planted last week, so I’m anxiously awaiting those little green [...]


So Breanne can now read a whole entire book. I can’t believe she’s old enough for this yet.

My Thoughts on Twilight Summarized

Read this.

I Love Me A Good Deal

So today I was on my way to the Buy Low, but decided to stop over at Shopko first, since it’s pretty much right next door. I went in to price out their weed’n’feed, which was limited and way too expensive. However, whenever I go to Shopko, I can’t help but check out [...]