Crazy People
You all must have missed the header of my last post. It read “I’m Tired.” I thought that was an indicator that yesterday was not a normal day. I do not usually clean my carpets, or even vacuum, really. And I especially don’t do all that stuff in one day. It was all in preparation for a baby shower I was hosting tonight. I am glad I got it all done, it is nice to have a clean house again, but seriously, I’m no super-mom. I usually shoot for getting 1-2 projects done a day… and projects in my case refers to a couple loads of laundry, or a load of dishes, or maybe (just maybe) vacuuming the front rooms. I like to spend my time focusing on my kids more than the chores around me, and I’d like to say that’s all I do, but really, we watch a lot of movies (no reception for our tv), and I do sudokus or read quite a bit, too. We try to get outside everyday, though that doesn’t always happen, either. I am, however, trying to get more permanently organized, so that cleaning doesn’t always have to be such a chore. (If anyone out there is wanting to spend some moulah on me for Christmas, I’d love a good sized filing cabinet that I could store in my basement, and file things away for reals. This little box we bought as newlyweds just isn’t cutting it anymore. We need more space for filing.)
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